Congratulations on the Opening of Hangzhou Panbao Ecological Agriculture Development Co., Ltd.


In August, a heatwave sweeps over the city of Hangzhou. In this scorching summer, we welcome the opening ceremony of Hangzhou Panbao Ecological Agriculture Development Co., Ltd.

1st Floor, Nongducheng, Gongshu District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province

Ribbon Cutting Cceremony

The opening ceremony has officially begun

On the morning of August 9, 2023, more than 30 specially invited guests attended the opening ceremony, including Pan Youchang, Chairman of Panbao Group, Li Manjuan, President, Wang Yun, General Manager of Hangzhou Panbao Ecological Agriculture Development Co., Ltd., Zhao Shuai, General Manager of Zhejiang Nongdu Agricultural Products Supply Chain Co., Ltd., and Hangzhou Baishetong Network Technology Co., Ltd., Chen Junjie, Regional Director (Zhejiang) of COFCO Xiandaojia Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd., Jin Yi, General Manager of Liangshan Jiangyue Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd., Zhou Juan, General Manager of Hangzhou Funeng Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd., and Lin Maoshun, General Manager of Zhejiang Sangeng Agricultural Development Co., Ltd.

Speech by leaders and guests

Signing ceremony

Hangzhou Panbao Ecological Agriculture Development Co., Ltd. has signed strategic cooperation agreements with 30 enterprises, including Zhejiang Xinyu Trading Co., Ltd., China National Pharmaceutical Online Operation Center, Hangzhou Jiaotou Ecological Environment Co., Ltd., Hangzhou Hongli Information Technology Co., Ltd., Chairman's Home Rural Revitalization Special Committee, Gangpeng (Hangzhou) Technology Co., Ltd., Hangzhou Zetian Ecological Agriculture Technology Co., Ltd., Hangzhou Yinliang Agriculture Technology Co., Ltd., Hangzhou Haosheng Network Technology Co., Ltd., Hangzhou Xida Technology Co., Ltd., Hangzhou Funeng Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd., and Hangzhou Zhongbang Food Co., Ltd., to promote complementary advantages, win-win cooperation, and joint progress of enterprises, and lay a solid foundation for further establishment of long-term, extensive and stable cooperative relations.

Panbao is committed to organic ecological agricultural products, and the on-site display and sale of Panbao ecological aquatic products, ecological fresh eggs, ecological shrimp, Panbao zeolite organic fruits and vegetables, Panbao ecological mutton, Panbao ecological beef produced in Inner Mongolia Panbao are especially welcomed. The opening site was crowded with people, and the celebration brought the opening atmosphere to a climax, attracting countless consumers to consume and experience.

Panbao lets organic and ecological food enter thousands of households. We wish Hangzhou Panbao Ecological Agriculture Development Co., Ltd. a prosperous business and a better tomorrow, and Panbao Group a more brilliant future.