Beijing Panbao Biotechnology Co., Ltd. Visits Dafa Group for Investigation


On October 17, Pan Youchang, Chairman of Beijing Panbao Biotechnology Group Co., Ltd., was invited to visit Guangxi Dafa Group for investigation with a team of 8 members including Russian academician Gregory Konstantinovich Ivankhnuk. Lu Yangbo, Chairman and President of Dafa Group, and Huang Guanzhang, Director and Vice President, warmly received and held a symposium.

The investigation team visited the cold chain logistics center in Dahua County and Liu'en beef cattle core demonstration plot for investigation. Through on-site inspection and exchange, they gained a detailed understanding of the basic situation of Qibainong chicken slaughtering and processing, beef cattle breeding, and production scale.



At the symposium, the chairman briefly introduced the basic situation of Panbao Group and stated that the company has been deeply involved in the zeolite and biological enzyme industry. In the organic breeding industry, the nano feed conversion agent can effectively remove residual pesticides and fertilizers in feed, as well as heavy metals in poultry and livestock, improve the immunity of poultry and livestock, reduce breeding costs, and improve the quality of poultry and livestock. Two sides can establish cooperation in the breeding production, processing, and sales of Qibainong chicken, beef cattle, and Hu sheep, to improve the industrial chain, and jointly promote the development and transformation of the rural revitalization industry in Dahua County. This cooperation will also bring new opportunities and development momentum to the agricultural and rural revitalization of Dahua County.

Lu Yangbo, President of Dafa Group warmly welcomed the visit of the Chairman of Panbao Group and Russian experts, and put forward opinions on the cooperation mode of beef cattle, Hu sheep, and Qibainong chicken breeding. By integrating existing resources such as breeding production, feed processing, cold chain slaughtering, and brand sales, fully leverage respective advantages, to create demonstration models, deepen cooperation and seek common development around the aquaculture industry, and promote the rural revitalization industry to go deep and solid.