Digital China County Economy Forum and China BBTV's "One Product for One Village" Chain Media Release Held in Beijing


On July 12, 2023, the Digital China County Economy Forum and Conference of Collaborators on the "Digital Investment Platform" of County Characteristic Industrial Clusters, as well as the China BBTV's "One Product for One Village” Chain Media Map Release Conference, were grandly held in the conference hall of the Wukuang Junlan Hotel in Haidian, Beijing. In order to implement the Overall Layout Plan for the Construction of Digital China issued by the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, this forum proposed that building a digital China is an important engine for promoting Chinese path to modernization. Focusing on digital counties and characteristic industrial clusters as an important component of digital China, and the "one township and one product" industry, the forum discussed digital value creation and investment of county characteristic industrial clusters, and digital circulation of rural industrial assets.

This forum is jointly organized by Contemporary Chinese Thinktanks, China BBTV, and D12 Digital Economy Value Investment Forum; hosted by China BBTV (Beijing) New Media Technology Co., Ltd., and co-organized by the Digital Economy Platform Professional Committee of China Communications Industry Association, Provincial Capital Construction and Digital Economy Research School of Shijiazhuang University, Beijing Panbao Biotechnology Co., Ltd., Yixiangyipin (Beijing) Enterprise Management Co., Ltd., Guofu Capital, and Huahong Nongtang Agricultural Holdings Co., Ltd. The forum also received strong support from the Executive Committee of China International Creative Design Promotion Week. The forum is hosted by Su Tong, the head of thinktanks of the Digital Economy Platform Professional Committee of the China Communications Industry Association. It adopts a new model of "online+offline+video+exhibition" and is conducted through interactive live streaming on the China BBTV throughout the day.

Beimei Cuige Tiantainkan

Beimei Cuige sent congratulatory videos overseas, deeply integrating the venue with the “One Product for One Village” Exhibition, presenting rich content in a three-dimensional and comprehensive manner.

Liu Guoqiang, Director of China BBTV

The forum was delivered by Liu Guoqiang, the Director of China BBTV, on behalf of the organizers. He said, "Accelerate the development of the digital economy, promote the deep integration of the digital economy and the real economy, and build a digital industry cluster with international competitiveness. Optimizing the layout, structure, function, and system integration of infrastructure, and building a modern infrastructure system, cannot be achieved without the empowerment of media and communication.”

Hou Yunchun, former deputy director of the Development Research Center of the State Council

Hou Yunchun, former deputy director of the Development Research Center of the State Council, delivered a speech saying: "The era of digital economy and smart agriculture has arrived, and we must dare to face challenges and actively embrace changes." As representatives of enterprises and county governments, it is our responsibility and obligation to contribute to the development of the agriculture, rural areas, and farmers economy. Let's join hands and work together through cooperation and innovation to promote the development of the agriculture, rural areas, and farmers' economy and rural revitalization, so that agriculture can shine brighter and rural areas can be revitalized with more vitality.”

Fan Xiaowei, Chairman of Contemporary Chinese Thinktanks

Fan Xiaowei, Chairman of Contemporary Chinese Thinktanks, delivered a speech saying, "County economy can achieve digital transformation, transforming traditional industries into digital industries, enhancing industrial competitiveness, attracting investment and talent, promoting tourism development, enhancing education and training levels, and promoting agricultural modernization.”

Wang Shiyu, founder of D12 mode

Wang Shiyu, the founder of the D12 mode, gave a speech: "The digitalization of the county economy needs to open up the relationship between the industry chain and the supply chain, reduce the intermediate links, and organize producers and consumers on a distributed Internet platform like Web3.0 through different county products, enterprises, and industrial personalized system architectures, from breeding and breeding at the upstream of the industry chain to production and processing at the midstream and digital marketing and consumer terminals at the downstream. Only in this way can the production value be truly connected with the sales price, and consumers be satisfied. This is the future of the digitalization of the agricultural industry, and also the future of the digitalization of the county economy.”

Xiong Yan, Chairman of Guofu Capital

Xiong Yan, Chairman of Guofu Capital, gave a speech on "Digital Investment in the Age of Artificial Intelligence", Fan Dongping, CEO of Zhongchuang Shujing, systematically explained the implementation system of the "Digital Investment Platform", and He Yan, General Manager of Zhongchuang Shujing Shanghai, introduced "Digital Value Evaluation in the Digital Economy Era of DVI" to build high-quality regional development for listed companies.

Fan Dongping, CEO of Zhongchuang Shujing Company

He Yan, General Manager of Zhongchuang Shujing Shanghai Company

The forum released an initiative to establish a "digital investment fund" and conducted a roadshow on the digital investment bank demonstration project for liquor brands in the Luyizun production area. It is reported that the Digital Investment Platform, abbreviated as the "Industrial Digital Value Creation and Investment Platform," is a new model of "digital investment" developed based on the D12 model proposed by senior investment banker Mr. Wang Shiyu. It includes three major sectors: digital investment banking, digital value index (DVI), and digital city IP investment, and will be implemented through digital investment forums, digital investment funds, and digital investment maps.

Su Tong, the head of thinktanks of the Digital Economy Platform Professional Committee of the China Communications Industry Association

Su Tong, the head of thinktanks of the Digital Economy Platform Professional Committee of the China Communications Industry Association, proposed in a report titled "Digital China and Development of County Characteristic IPs in Hebei Province" that characteristic IPs should be used as the basic assets of the county economy, and the rich digital demand scenarios of traditional industries in Hebei should be utilized to activate the "reverse siphon" effect in Beijing and Tianjin. The value discovery of the Hebei Ancient Capital Corridor should be used as a cultural explosion to establish cultural confidence in Hebei.

Yao Zhenjun, Executive Vice Dean of the Provincial Capital Construction and Development Research School and the Digital Economy Research School of Shijiazhuang University

Yao Zhenjun, Executive Vice Dean of the Provincial Capital Construction and Development Research School and the Digital Economy Research School of Shijiazhuang University, gave a casual speech. He reviewed the strategic concept of the "Beidou Seven Star Economic Zone" and stated that "digital investment cooperation" is the only way for Hebei's industrial digital transformation.

As an important achievement of the forum, the "Digital Investment Map of County Characteristic Industrial Clusters in Hebei Province" has attracted the attention of all sectors attending the conference. As the first "digital investment map", it introduces the "2049 Intelligent Map" model, focusing on the distribution of characteristic industry clusters in 107 key counties in Hebei Province and the distribution map of "leading" enterprises in 137 county characteristic industries. It integrates functions such as thematic websites, communication communities, online reading, and thematic reports. By integrating geographic information systems, content generation, and map application technologies, this Map provides comprehensive data, information, and knowledge support for all parties, promoting the development of characteristic industrial clusters.

This forum also launched the release and strategic cooperation signing of the China BBTV's "One Product for One Village” chain media map. Chain media is a widely used communication service system based on blockchain, Internet 3.0 and AIGC, which adopts nonlinear structure to link the multimedia information in discrete communication units and nodes. “Chain Media Map" is a chain media application based on "Media Geography" theory, with "Data Geography, Information Geography, and Knowledge Geography" as the underlying architecture, and Intelligent Map as the interactive interface. It is a mapping and digital information creation, expression, and sharing system that integrates multiple content generation methods.

The "One Product for One Village" chain media map is based on the national twelve batches of "One Product for One Village" demonstration village and town directory, taking "One Product for One Village" brand selection as a demonstration opportunity to empower the development of "One Product for One Village" in cultural connotation sorting, regional feature extraction, trust system construction, and other aspects. The forum has also arranged a special exhibition area for the top 100 brands that were first included in the map, and will continue to hold the "The Most Valuable Brands for Digital Investment" selection activity.

Li Manjuan, General Manager of Beijing Panbao Biotechnology Co., Ltd.

Li Manjuan, general manager of Beijing Panbao Biotechnology Co., Ltd., introduced "Zeolite Agricultural Technology helps rural revitalization", focusing on explaining 343 biological enzyme technology, mineral organic fertilizer of Panbao Biotechnology (soil remediation specialist), Panbao nano-enabled feed conversion agent. Through the speech, all participants have learned the far-reaching influences of Zeolite Agricultural Technology on animals, plants and human health!!

Liu Jinchao, Chairman of Yunmenggu (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd.

Liu Jinchao, Chairman of Yunmenggu (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd. delivered a keynote speech on "Promoting County Economy with Virtual-Reality Platform". The establishment of virtual-reality platform promotes the digital transformation of county economy from traditional industries. With the help of the virtual-reality technology, the county economy improved its industrial competitiveness. This provides strong support for the county economy to attract investment and talents, provide innovative experiences and services for the tourism industry in county area, bring in richer learning resources and experience for the county education and training, provide support for the agricultural modernization of counties, thereby promoting the digital transformation and sustainable development of county economy.

Mo Lixi, Deputy Director of Dahua Yao Autonomous County People's Congress Standing Committee

Mo Lixi, Deputy Director of Dahua Yao Autonomous County People's Congress Standing Committee, and the leader of chicken feed industry development work leading group in Dahua County Qibainong made a speech titled "Singing Epic Poem, High-quality Guangxi Chicken". Dahua County Qibainong chicken feed industry, for its unique way of breeding and high-quality meat with good taste, has become a food feast in Guangxi. Also, it symbolizes the inheritance and innovation of the traditional agricultural culture. Using digital industrialization to upgrade the good products of hometown not only enhances the competitiveness and innovation capability of the county economy, but also promotes the upgrading and transformation of the county industry, thus to achieve sustainable development of the economy.

Zhang Zhaoxia, General Manager of Hanzhong Huarui Mudan Biotechnology Co., Ltd.

Zhang Zhaoxia, General Manager of Hanzhong Huarui Mudan Biotechnology Co., Ltd. gave a lecture on "Peony on the Tip of Tongue". The Company's R&D team improves peony varieties and cultivates new varieties and carry out scientific research projects to push forward the technological innovation and transformation of peony industry. It is dedicated to building peony as one of the agricultural products and tourism resources with Chinese characteristics, making contributions to developing the local economy and improving the farmers' income.

Han Wei, Founder of "One Town, One Product"

Han Wei, Founder of "One Town, One Product", gave a speech on "One town, one product to boost the regional economic development of county areas". The program advocates to digitize the township characteristic products to enhance the market competitiveness and promotion effect of such products. The digitalization process covers several aspects: digitalization of product information, digital E-commerce platform construction of product pictures and videos, data analysis and marketing strategy, as well as brand promotion and social media marketing. With digital means, township characteristic products are showcased and promoted more effectively, and the product competitiveness and market share are improved. That will promote the development and prosperity of township economy.

Feng Zihua, President of Tianjin Bohai Rim Research Institute of Intelligent Agriculture

Yan Meixiang, Business Representative of Hua Hong Nongtang in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region

Feng Zihua, President of Tianjin Bohai Rim Research Institute of Intelligent Agriculture, together with Yan Meixiang, Vice President and Business Representative of Hua Hong Nongtang in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region Feng Zihua, shared the connotation of intelligent agricultural services in helping the regional economic development of county areas and establishing a new agricultural service platform, as well as the significance of the foundation of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Chamber of Commerce of Hua Hong Nongtang.

Wang Zhanwei, Head of Weihai Innovation Chamber of Commerce Branch, Hua Hong NongTong

Wang Zhanwei, Head of Weihai Innovation Chamber of Commerce Branch, Hua Hong NongTong, also delivered a speech. During the speecha, she told the story that Hua Hong Nongtang adhered to Yuan Longping's spirit of "two seeds can make a forest", led its members to go deep into agriculture and rural areas, bringing warm to the agriculture, rural areas and rural residents and help agricultural and rural economic development and rural revitalization.

Dr. Lv Peilin, Member of the Expert Committee of the International Research Center of Big Data and Partner of China Think Tank

Dr. Lv Peilin, Member of the Expert Committee of the International Research Center of Big Data and Partner of China Think Tank, explained how digital economy enables high-quality development of county economy from the following five aspects: PEST analysis, connotation and significance, development status and trend of digital economy, weaknesses in development of county digital economy, and measures to empower the high-quality development of county economy. Based on classical cases, they explained a number of scientific reference schemes to the participants.

In this forum, the "One town, one product" part was chaired by Mr. Hanwei and its team who have engaged in "One town, one product" over a decade. A group of excellent local characteristics brands and experts in related fields stepped on the stage to share their experience and jointly expressed their vision of promoting the development of "one township, one product" business aspirations by digital culture and digital creative industry.

There are more than 100 guests attending this forum, including Hou Yunchun, former deputy director of the Development Research Center of the State Council, Fan Xiaowei, Chairman of Contemporary Chinese Think Tank, and Liu Guoqiang, director of China BBTV, Wang Shiyu, founder of D12 models and expert of Taihe Think Tank, Rong Bo, Executive deputy director of Agriculture, Forestry and Environmental Development Center of China Investment Association, Bian Canguo, Vice president of Hebei Digital Economy Federation, Sun Xiaoming, Executive director of China BBTV, Pan Youchang, Chairman of Beijing Panbao Biotechnology Co., Ltd.; Zhang Jijun, Editor-in-Chief of China Economic and Trade Magazine; Wang Guoliang, Chairman of Digital Economy Platform Professional Committee of China Communications Industry Association; Shi Guoli, Director of Financial Investment Department of Tianrui Group Co., Ltd. Mo Lixi, Deputy Director of Dahua County People's Congress Standing Committee, Guangxi, Xiong Yan, Chairman of Zhongchuang Digital Economy Co., Ltd. Fan Dongping, Executive President of Zhongchuang Digital Economy Co., Ltd. Wang Hong, Chairman of Shanghai Yangtze River Delta Blockchain Industry Promotion Center, He Yan, General manager of Zhongchuang Digital Economy Shanghai Branch, Yao Zhenjun, Member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee and Vice President of Shijiazhuang University, Han Wei, founder of Yixiangyipin (Beijing) Enterprise Management Co., Ltd. and Kou Ying, Executive Director of China BBTVE, Han Jing, President of Beijing National Digital Publishing Base Research Institute; Ma Chenyu, Deputy director of the Editorial Board of Digital China Cultural Circle Map; Wang Xiaoqiang, Manager of North China Regional Design Department and Manager of Guanshan Project of Minmetals Estate; Cao Nan, Senior Manager of Investment Promotion and Sales of Guanshan Project in North China of Minmetals Estate; Liu Zheng, Chairman of Beijing Modern Horizon International Travel Service Co., Ltd., Li Manjuan, General manager of Beijing Panbao Biotechnology Co., Ltd., Liu Jinchao, chairman of Yunmenggu (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd., Zhang Zhaoxia, general manager of Hanzhong Huarui Mudan Biotechnology Co., Ltd., Cheng Rong, Capital Operation Director of Northern Region of Shenzhen Jinzheng Technology Co., Ltd., Li Tuchun, Chairman of New Taizi Milk, Rao Jin, Chairman of Siyue Huawen (Beijing) Culture and Media Co., Ltd. Li Mi, China's chief digital spokesperson, Zhang Shilong, president of Liaoning Provincial Transportation Investment Group Co., Ltd., and more than 100 people attended the meeting.

Group photo

This forum was ended successfully in a touching song of "One Town, One Product Themed Song".

Edited by: Le Hua