Panbao organic rice
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Detailed Introduction

it passes the organic standard certification, is stored at constant temperature, and produced and processed in international advanced production lines. it undergoes 108 processes and the embryo retention processing technology, with nutritional preservation and full traceability. Wuchang high-end rice is anti-counterfeiting and authentic.

Production area: exclusive base, produced in the Wuchang rice core production area, which is a non-replicable small-scale rice production area.

Seed: select Daohuaxiang 2 seeds for purebred planting.

Planting method: irrigate with forest river water according to Chinese organic planting standards.

Processing technology: constant temperature storage, 108 embryo retention processing technologies, nutritional preservation.

Traceability and anti-counterfeiting: adopt traceability code anti-counterfeiting and traceability, with one code for one product management. Each product only has a unique traceability code, and its authenticity can be distinguished by scanning the code with a mobile phone, achieving full traceability of organic Wuchang rice, and ensuring the authenticity and reliability of the product.