Case 2


Data of Panbao Nano Feed Conversion Agent Chicken Farm

There are currently 26 breeding sheds in Manasi County Laying Hen Industrial Park, with a feeding capacity of 18000-2000 yu per shed. In November 2023, two farmers, Duan Wenguang and Liu Xiaobao, began feeding Panbao nano feed conversion agent. The daily data collection, analysis, and comparison of breeding farm data are as follows:

Feeding time

Chicken symptoms

Egg products

Chicken manure


7 days

Obvious changes in color of fur, comb and feet

Increased density and hardness of eggshell

Obvious improvement in overfeeding, reduced manure hardness and odor

On average, 5-6% of farm

15 days

The overall chicken flocks tend to be healthy and stable, with shiny fur, rosy comb, and thickened feet

In creased egg density, hardness and gloss, reduced damage rate

Feeding, overfeeding, excess, significant decrease in output ratio.


21 days

The chicken flocks have entered a healthy state, and the overall health performance of the fur, comb, and feet has entered a healthy state

Increased egg density, hardness, transmission of light, and weight

Reduced excess and balanced manure output ratio

Cull-and-death shows a significant change

28-31 days

The incidence rate and cull-and-death of the chicken flocks and drug use of farm have been significantly improved, and the whole chicken flock has entered a healthy and stable period.

Egg density. Hardness, transmission of light, glossiness, and damage rate are stable

Feeding, overeating, and excess are stable, reduced manure odor, increased manure hardness into granularity

Cull-and-death ratio after using zeolite additives for 3 months


Data sheet for egg products using conversion agent


Laying rate

Egg weight

Egg products

7 days

Average 87%

30 eggs, 1.8kg

Improved egg white and yolk color

15 days

Average 87%

30 eggs, 1.8kg

Bright egg white and full yolk

21 days

Average 87.1%

30 eggs, 1.804kg

The egg white is gelatinous and the egg yolk is full, with delicious taste

28-31 days

Average 87.2%

30 eggs, 1.805-1.806 kg

The detection data meets the four-zero standard


Overall improvement of 0.1-0.2%

Weight gain per ton of eggs is greater than 20 kg

Average drop in cull-and-death is 1.5%


Increased revenue of 10000 yu

10000*87.2%=8720-8700=20, with an average egg laying period of 345 equal to 6900 eggs





17.4*345=6003 kg * 7.5 yuan=45022



Panbao technical efficiency improvement of 10000 yu

51187 yuan