


The results of using Pangbao nano feed regulator at the Tongliao beef cattle breeding base for one month are as follows: 

1)Cattle showed no adverse reactions after consuming the feed regulator.

2)Cattle's coat became shiny, smooth, and straight after consuming the regulator for about 10 days.

3)About 10 days later, the cattle's droppings were formed, moderately moist, yellow in color, and had a glossy appearance, with less residue and a significant reduction in odor. 

4)The cattle's eating speed increased and their appetite improved, and their digestive ability was enhanced. 

5)They had more energy and vitality.

6)After using it for 15 days, their weight increased significantly, with an average daily increase of about 4 pounds. 

7)Their bodies became larger and stronger, with "their backs becoming flat and round".