Representatives of China's Health Industry Jointly Discuss the Innovative Development of the Health Industry


Beijing, March 31 (Xinhua) - Zheng Shufei, President of the Health Product Industry Branch of the National Association of Health Industry and Enterprise Management, stated on March 31 that adhering to technological innovation and strengthening brand enabling will provide strong momentum for promoting high-quality development of the health industry.

On that day, the establishment conference of the Health Product Industry Branch of the National Association of Health Industry and Enterprise Management and the Health Industry Brand Enterprise Forum was held in Beijing. Nearly 100 representatives from the national health industry conducted in-depth discussions on building a healthy food brand through innovative development and leading the deep integration development of the health industry through brand enterprises.

According to the "Healthy China 2030" plan outline, the total scale of China's health service industry is expected to reach 16 trillion yuan by 2030. According to incomplete statistics, there are over 1.4 million health and wellness service enterprises and over 20 million employees nationwide. The health industry is facing development opportunities and also needs to find a way to scientific development.

Li Manjuan, president of Beijing Panbao Biotechnology Group, said that the health industry needs scientific and technological enabling, and various cutting-edge technologies provide new development opportunities for health products. Focusing on research and development is becoming a common consensus for Chinese health service enterprises to upgrade their brands.

Liang Yizhen, Executive Vice President and Secretary General of the Health Product Industry Branch of the National Association of Health Industry and Enterprise Management, introduced that the Branch will be committed to promoting technological innovation and the development of the health product industry. In terms of laws and regulations, product development, market operation, industry self-discipline and standardization construction, it will provide high-quality services to enterprises and consumers, and make positive contributions to building a health industry brand enterprise and leading the high-quality development of the industry.